Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What The Shuddering F

The phantom time hypothesis is definitely a new one on me. A large world and culture spanning conspiracy that, as per usual, forgets the fact that most people can't find their keys in the morning let alone keep complex plots like this together.

Megillah דף ב,ב

דאמר רבי יהושע בן לוי כרך וכל הסמוך לו וכל הנראה עמו נידון ככרך עד כמה אמר רבי ירמיה ואיתימא רבי חייא בר
אבא כמחמתן לטבריא מיל ולימא מיל הא קא משמע לן דשיעורא דמיל כמה הוי כמחמתן לטבריא

Here we're trying to ascertain the distance seen from a city where its still considered to be part of the city.

Rabbi Yirmiyah and some say Rabbi Hiyah bar Abba says like the distance from hamatan (hot springs?) to Tiberias - a mil.

The talmud then points out - not unreasonably - just say a mil then.

Then rather deliciously answers its question by saying the statement teaches us that that is the definition of a mil.


Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

If i remember correctly, similar types of "give you two pieces of info at the same time" tricks happen in Berakhot where the time limits for various prayers are described.

12:45 PM  

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